Why subscribe?

Great question.

I’d subscribe if you’re interested in learning more about the venture capital industry. When I first started investing and when I first started thinking about Vol. 1 Ventures, I realized that a LOT of this stuff is really opaque. And that’s on purpose—the whole VC industry is designed to gatekeep people who aren’t wealthy and aren’t in the top 1% out of the ecosystem. My goal with my writing is to help democratize venture capital and make it more accessible for anyone who qualifies—regardless of who you know or what school you went to.

I’d also subscribe if you’re interested in following my observations around product, marketing, and customer acquisition. In addition to VC-ing, I spend a lot of time consulting with startups and larger companies and I’m eager to pass along interesting stuff that I’m seeing.

Subscribe to Vantage Point

Vantage Point is a newsletter written by Ian Kar, focused on venture capital and observations around product, marketing, and customer acquisition.